The first step to success
Admissions / Code of Conduct
Bistrik 7, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Gymnasium SSST is committed to fostering a sense of community within an environment conducive to learning and personal development of each student, aided by values of inclusivity, tolerance and integrity. As a secular, liberal and academically ambitious institution, we are proud of our diverse and vibrant student body whose interests, opinions and goals guide us in joint pursuit of excellence. GSSST Code of Conduct is a summary of the GSSST Student Book of Rules and Regulations, serving to ensure a safe and motivational background to both learning and social interaction.
GSSST Student Book of Rules and Regulations is received by each student upon admission and outlines minor and major breaches of the school’s academic and disciplinary policy, accompanying sanctions and penalties, as well as underlying administrative, mediation and complaints procedures. Major breaches, as well as repeated minor breaches of school policy, may lead to suspension and/or expulsion.
All students are required to wear the basic school uniform (blazer and/or school sweater and/or school polo shirt) in class and while on school grounds. Through this, we ask our students to be joined in symbolic reaffirmation of our values and to display pride in being part of their school’s community. Students are required to take care of their uniform, appearing clean and ironed, and so showing respect to each other, their teachers and the very process of learning.
The full school uniform is required for special events organized by the school’s administration, including but not limited to school assemblies, official celebrations and events, special visits by guest-speakers or partner institutions.
GSSST has a strict anti-bullying policy that requires all members of the school community shall not discriminate against others on the basis of nationality, race, color, ancestry, place of origin, religion, family, physical or mental disability, age, sex or sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Any and all forms of violence, including physical and verbal intimidation, offensive or discriminatory actions or language, are considered severe breaches of the school’s disciplinary policy and are not tolerated.
Our school is guided by an honor code, extending even beyond the confines of school grounds. This requires that no one shall publish or anywhere display anything that would indicate an intention to discriminate against another, or expose them to contempt or ridicule on the basis of any above cited grounds.
Beyond this, students are expected to behave with courtesy and consideration for others at all times. Any communication that is disrespectful or demeaning to others, including profane language, is not acceptable.
As they move through their years in high-school, students are expected to assume increasing responsibility and self-discipline. Numerous opportunities are provided for making decisions as a student body, where students are active participants in shaping our school community and environment. Students in higher classes are expected to take on more of a leadership role and serve as role models for younger generations; as such there are increasing consequences for inappropriate behavior.
Members of the student body are expected to respect both personal and school’s property, as well as to handle school materials and equipment with care. Willful negligence resulting in damage of school resources, property or equipment, is considered a severe breach of disciplinary policy. Students responsible for any damage done to school’s or other people's property will be charged for replacement or repair.
Students are expected to behave in a manner consistent with regard to their personal safety and the safety of others, which includes not bringing any dangerous objects or materials to school. Similarly, any display of violence or incitement to violence is not tolerated.
The school environment should be neat and litter-free. All students are requested to look after their litter by putting it in the nearest garbage can. Students are provided with lockers and leaving personal property unattended is prohibited.
To aid the safety of students and staff, the school employs security staff and has a full surveillance system, monitoring all classrooms, labs, hallways, cafeteria and school grounds.
All staff (teaching and non-teaching) have a general supervision responsibility during school time and at any school function, whether on formal duty or not, and students are required to comply with this authority. School rules apply at all school functions even when they occur off school grounds or outside of the regular school day.
Students are required to attend all classes and their attendance is recorded for each class. Missed classes mean missed learning, which is why full attendance is essential to the students’ and the school’s success.
Students are required to be punctual. Lateness shows a lack of regard for others and interferes with learning not only for the student who is tardy, but also for the entire class so disrupted. Frequent tardiness may result both in disciplinary measures and teacher intervention to make up for the missed learning time.
Students are expected to present their own work in class and homework assignments. Whether the work is presented in written form, visual or video or audio presentation, or other, students are not allowed to use or present another person’s work as their own, which is considered as plagiarism.
If another person's ideas are used, a student must give a credit in the form of a citation. Plagiarism will result in consequences determined by the teacher and/or administration and may include loss of marks for the assignment, academic probation, as well as failing of the course.
Attempted cheating or cheating during examination or test constitutes a major academic and disciplinary violation and leads to immediate failing grade, may lead to loss of academic year, and may lead to expulsion. The use of unauthorized methods or materials during an examination, including for the purpose of assisting others to cheat, is covered by this provision.
Electronic devices can be used to support educational purposes in significant ways; students have the right to use electronic devices only for such purposes and only at the direction of supervising staff. Students have a responsibility to use their personal electronic devices ethically, safely and responsibly.
Misuse of personal electronic devices may result in confiscation of the device by the school management for the school day.
During classes, all students are requested to put their mobile phones in the student lockers.
Students have the responsibility not to be in passion of, or under the influence of, alcohol or drugs at any time on school grounds or during any school function. Smoking, alcohol and all opiates are strictly prohibited on school grounds and any school organized excursions or field-trips. This provision also concerns students who are no longer minors.
Students are expected to inform a staff member of incidents of bullying, harassment and intimidation. Any student who is involved in, observes, or knows about an emergency situation at school, or at a school activity, should contact the nearest staff member as soon as possible to report the details of the event. In these cases, the staff will take all necessary steps to prevent retaliation against a student who has reported a breach in the Code of Conduct.
The school has the responsibility to advise parents of unacceptable behavior demonstrated by the student. It is expected that parents and the school staff will work together to bring about a change of behavior and that efforts will be made in this regard. In some cases, parents of a second party (student who may have been a victim of inappropriate behavior, harassment, property damage or other) will also be contacted and informed of an investigation into another student's conduct.
In order to safeguard students and staff, all visitors to the school must first report to the school’s reception desk or main office upon arrival.