Alumni club of the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology Gymnasium (GSSST) was founded with the aim of GSSST alumni networking, supporting the further education of the alumni and strengthening the bond between the school and its alumni. GSSST alumni can influence the school’s development, help develop the curriculum and assist in marketing and promoting the SSST Gymnasium.

On the other hand, the Gymnasium commits to following the work and progress of its alumni, helping them network and exchange ideas and experiences and, if needed, putting its resources at their disposal for their further education and career.

Official name and headquarters

The official name of the club is GSSST Alumni Club, and its headquarters are at the Gymnasium SSST, Bistrik 7

Aims and activities of the GSSST Alumni Club:

  • Establishing and maintaining a permanent connection between the SSST Gymnasium and its students after they complete their high school studies
  • Networking all GSSST Alumni at the club with the aim of their mutual cooperation
  • Supporting business ventures of the alumni through the alumni network
  • Providing adequate and timely information to the school in order to support its work
  • Organizing alumni lectures for sharing their experiences in studying and business
  • Cooperation of the SSST Gymnasium with companies and institutions where alumni are employed
  • International exchange and networking with alumni clubs in the region and beyond
  • Promotion of the SSST Gymnasium

Membership in the GSSST Alumni Club

To become a member, after students graduate from the SSST Gymnasium and enroll into college, they need to sign the membership form for the GSSST Alumni Club, accepting the aims of the club.

Please send the completed application form to


For more information about the GSSST Alumni Association, please contact us by e-mail or phone 033 975 070.