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GSSST news
Bistrik 7, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
GSSST news
Gymnasium SSST is organizing Online Professional Orientation Week to help second-grade students choose whether to attend Social or Natural Sciences group in the third grade. School counselor Enisa Ćehajić introduced the students to both groups and subjects they will study in each one, and gave an overview of Cambridge International classes that also start in the third grade. Third-grade students Zerin Zeković and Iman Čorić shared their experiences about attending each group.
Psychology teacher Maja Misira Rašić held an interesting "Career Guide" workshop to help students define their wishes and balance between their desires and their abilities.
With great interest, students also followed the lecture "Be the Experienced Headhunter's Big Catch" held by Professor Rasim Jusufović of SSST Medical School.
The next lecture will be held today by prominent historian, Professor Marko Attila Hoare.